Tutorial - isolate a certain part in the photo (Crop)

Issue: Isolating a specific part of the image.(figure no. 1)

Croping Photos
    figure no.1

In order to isolate a specific part of the photo and clear the rest, simply follow these steps:
  1. Open the desired photo - (Click on File -> Open menu or Ctrl+O, figure no.2)

    Croping Photos

    figure no.2

  2. From the Tools toolbar select the Crop tool

    Croping Photos

  3. Using the Crop tool, select the desired area (the area you wish to isolate). To do this, left click and hold the mouse button on the upper left of the desired area. Then move the mouse to the bottom right of the desired area and release the button (see figure no. 3)

    Croping Photos

    figure no.3

  4. [Optional]: After you have performed a selection and you wish to change/move/rotate it, point on its border with the mouse and, pressing the mouse's left button drag/move it to the desired spot

  5. To finish and apply the crop press on the Enter key or on the crop button on the tools properties toolbar (figure no.4), this will isolate the selected area, clear away the rest of the image and complete the crop operation (figure no. 5)

    Croping Photos

    figure no.5

  6. We advise saving the cropped image by a different name.

    Croping Photos

    figure no.5

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